Creamy Carrot Macaroni

Hello, everyone. Today is carrot recipe. The carrot is used for cooking the macaroni. This recipe's cooking method is referred to the preview recipe "Cooking Macaroni with Soy Milk" with just instead of some ingredients of the recipe. Finally, I came out with this recipe.

My recipe:

Tool used:
Non-stick pan, grater

Cooking oil
1 Carrot
4 Garlic covers
1/2 Cup soy milk
1 Tsp five spices
Black pepper

Pasta part:
Put one person amount of macaroni in water and boil until it softens.

Flavor part:
Meanwhile, shred the carrot by using the grater and also mince garlic covers.
Heat the pan with some cooking oil over middle heat.
Then, fry minced garlic and shredded carrot until you smell aromatic flavor.

Combination pasta with its flavor:
Add in the macaroni and mix together until combined.
Add soy milk and let the sauce absorbed by the macaroni until it thickens.
Then, seasoning with salt and black pepper and you can serve it.



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